West Coast Winter Steelhead Video by Ryan Peterson
So much respect for those guys.
So much respect for those guys.
Took this photo the other day, and even though it’s not the best. There is something about the release of a fish back to the water that will always make me try and capture that moment. Pictured is Jason returning a spring-run steelhead back to the Manistee River.
March 3rd brought us the biggest snow storm of the winter season. 14 inches of wet heavy snow. While digging out the drive way the hard working men and women of Benzie County came to clear the roads for safe travel.
March 2nd a great day of steelhead fishing today with Terry L. We had a very nice mixture of chrome and winter fish. Had a second to snap a fin picture from one of our adult fish today. Spring steelhead fishing is really picking up and had some cancellations open up the calendar, feel free to contact me for open dates.