ESPN 30 for 30


Good Friend Jeremy Turner shared this with me, if you can find this episode make sure to check it out.  Mangled Fly has worked with Jeremy before and his music talents are first class. –


This Friday, September 11th, ESPN will premiere a new 30 for 30 film after the national moment of silence. First Pitch tells the story of President George W Bush’s ceremonial pitch at the World Series in New York, on October 30th, 2001. The film was directed by Academy Award winner Angus Wall and I was fortunate enough to compose the original score. It’s a project we’re all quite proud of and I hope you get a chance to see it.

muskie release

Pic of the Day – Muskie Release

muskie release


Wanted to say thank you for the patience as Mangled Fly Media comes back on-line.  No need to talk about the struggles of the past few weeks, only that new stuff will be coming on-line again soon.  Bear with me as fall is a busy time, but promise to make up for it with quality content. The Muskie Adventure season has just started and already looking like it will be a great season.

SA 2015 Catalog Cover Shot

Check out the new SA 2015 catalog and you might notice the cover shot. – – some really good information inside the catalog from Bruce Richards, Dave Karzynski, and Jeff Currier.  Check it out!  Plus the new lines that will be coming out in November are listed.  Can’t wait for the new Switch line, only a few more months and steelhead will be back.

Caught in the moment a Michigan brown trout jumping with a Nutcracker streamer in it's mouth.

Field and Stream – Michigan is the Best

I grew up with this magazine, so many memories.  Here is a little blog post by Kirk Deeter, with a photo from Mangled Fly.

Why Michigan is the Best!

Jumping Smallmouth – Pic of the Day

SA Pro Staff and No Bananas

D Loop – Picture of the Day

Brown Trout Pics

underwater brown trout

Brown Trout – Pic of the Day

I enjoy the challenge of big brown trout during the day of the summer months.  This nice brown trout starts off my July just right.

Man vs Boat continues

Maybe I just like the challenge.  Why does it seem like I’m always fighting with my boat?  I wonder who will win in the end when it comes to Jon Ray vs. Clackacraft?
