Picture of the Day – Jumping Brown Trout

jumping brown troutSometimes it is better to be lucky , had the camera at ready for some reason at the right time for this jumping brown trout.  Love the spraying water effect.  Feel free to click on the photo and you will go to my Smug Mug page as well, to see a larger size.

Catch and Release – Pic of the Day

brown trout catch and release

Off to the races – chasing spring chrome

scott T3HChasing chrome in the spring with the Scott 1108 T3H.  Perfect switch rod for the spring, easy to switch out the sink tip for the bobber/indy rig on those high pressure sunny spring days.  Throw on the SA 420 Evolution  and your good to go.  Spring fish are on the move, and even though it’s been cold fishing has been good.

The LRB and Steelhead Double

Getting a double header is a pretty unique experience, but something in the fall we actually do see with waves of curious steelhead pushing up the river and grabbing the first piece of food they see.  I love curious steelhead!  So getting a double header steelhead combo I would say is not a hard combination to come by.  But the Lake-Run Brown steelhead combo I’ver personally only had the chance to see twice here in Michigan.  I’m sure in other parts of the country the combo is more common.  But for us currently with a declining LRB population the past 10 years the opportunities are very rare.  Well last week (in the spring season no less) my clients Blake and Steve put a LRB / Steelhead combo in the net.  It true was a surprise.

lake-run brown steelhead doubleThe only other time I’ve had a chance to catch this combo is a day I will never forget.  With good friends and great guides Kevin Feenstra and Jeff Hubbard.  We were fishing on Kevin’s b-day when Jeff and I put these two great fish in the net while fishing streamers on the Muskegon River.  Photo below courtesy of Kevin Feenstra.

Jon Ray

streamer double header

SA Evolution Line – perfect for the Spring

If your looking for a Indy/float/bobber line for spring steelhead look no further than the 420 SA Evolution.  One of my personal favorites for big river Indy fishing.  I run mostly 11ft 8wt Switch rods and the line is a dream to handle my float setup.

Smallmouth DVD now On Demand

With future project just around the corner about to be released, working with Vimeo Mangled Fly and Snap T Pictures have launched a Vimeo on Demand page.  First video  on our page is the Big Appetite Small Mouth DVD that we launched a couple summers ago.  Now you can watch this DVD at anytime on your computer.  Look for this page to grow over the next couple months, as Erik and I will be releasing more videos here very shortly.  Next video to be released with be the Midnight Creeper.

Big Appetite Small Mouth DVD from Mangled Fly Media on Vimeo.

Michigan is home to many great freshwater game fish. In this DVD, Michigan guides Jon Ray and Kevin Feenstra explore some of the great waters of West Michigan for smallmouth bass. Both Jon and Kevin have a great deal of experience with these hard fighting gamefish. The complete DVD features tips and techniques, as well as detailed, step-by-step instructions for a handful of their favorite smallmouth bass flies. Basics such as equipment and knots are also covered. This DVD is produced by Erik Rambo of Snap T productions. Erik is a professional videographer, known for his work in other fly fishing films. Music done by Mike Moran check out more of his work on his website.

First Day with Scott Radian 907

Will do a little more talking about the Scott Radian 907 in the future , but just wanted to post a couple quick pics from a personal trout streamer day with Ed McCoy yesterday.  Was my first day with 907 and so glad I bought one, great rod for the Michigan trout scene.  Perfect with my 250 SA sink tip.

 Perfect streamer rod for Michigan trout streams.