Silver Fin Picture of the Day

March 2nd a great day of steelhead fishing today with Terry L.  We had a very nice mixture of chrome and winter fish.  Had a second to snap a fin picture from one of our adult fish today.  Spring steelhead fishing is really picking up and had some cancellations open up the calendar, feel free to contact me for open dates.

Picture of the Day Feb 9th, 2012

Going to try and do this more often.  Publish pictures from the days on the water.

Feb 9th 2012 was a bright blue bird sunny day, and hunting any type of wildlife or fish was a little more difficult.  Did have two red-shoulder hawks flying near by but just out of 400mm.  But here is a pic using the bright sun as a back drop on a silver rainbow trout’s tail fin.

Steelhead versus streamer video

Had a blast making this one.  Both on the river and in the editing room

Steelhead versus streamer from Mangled Fly Media on Vimeo.

Steelhead versus streamer

Hope you enjoy.

New Hawkins Steelhead Video

Just uploaded a new Hawkins Steelhead Video Highlight.  Had the chance to capture hours of footage and here is a short 4 min clip from the banner 2011 fall.  Hope to create another video during the next few weeks.  Hope you enjoy!