New Scott T3H just arrived

scott t3h fly rod

New rod just arrived and can’t wait to go play.  Had the chance to fish the 12’8″ 8wt T3H for a couple weeks and all I had to say was WOW!  So went to to see what other rods they made in the same graphite, and found myself a new switch rod,  1108 T3H.  As winter transitions into spring, I love to start swing smaller minnow patterns and I think this rod is going to be perfect .  Rod matches up with about 440 grains, perfect grain weight for throwing small 1-2″ salmon parr that steelhead love to gorge on in early spring time. If you have not wiggled the new T3H, you need to find your local dealer and check these great new rods from Scott Fly Rods.  They are pretty sweet.  A little personal catch phrase for this rod is, “just add water” it will catch fish.  Certain rods when you pick them up you know will just cast they just feel fishy, they feel right. This rod makes you shake with that feeling.

With a little more free time than I like, going to photo and video up some cool stuff with this stick, so come back soon to see what we have come up with.  Or give me a call and join me and be part of the footage.

Handcrafted in the USA – Built from beginning to end in Montrose, Colorado.

T3H scott fly rods