Podcast about the New Sharkwave Line from SA
Check out the Podcast (15min) at MidCurrent with SA’s John Van Vleet. John breaks down the new Sharkwave. Excited to see this new line, sounds awesome can’t wait for trout season. Link to PodCast
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But we are proud to say that Jon Ray contributed 572 entries already.
Check out the Podcast (15min) at MidCurrent with SA’s John Van Vleet. John breaks down the new Sharkwave. Excited to see this new line, sounds awesome can’t wait for trout season. Link to PodCast
Patagonia’s Fly Fishing Blog has recognized our work and posted the latest trailer , the Midnight Creepr Tailer is getting some very nice positive feedback. We keep working hard in the editing room, on the full length version. Thanks for all the thumbs up and shares.
Getting closer to releasing something new that Erik and I are really excited about. First trailer is coming in the next 10-14 days. Also have new logo for this series, just a quick teaser below. Getting hard to not share more details. But the last couple weeks editing, email with musicians and fancy logo designers […]
I have had the privilege of spending many days with women anglers and the topic of clothing and waders does randomly come up. With limited opportunities within the fly fishing industry women did not have many choices. Women will be happy to hear there is going to be another company interested in their needs as […]
I don’t even want to really think about how many years I’ve been steelhead fishing, scary how fast time flies. Feels just like the other day that was I throwing on the full neoprene waders and hitting the trails. But with 24 years later my gear has changed a little. With each an every year […]
Had the opportunity yesterday (Sunday, January 19th) to take Ben and John out for a little half day steelhead trip. While getting out on the river has been a little more difficult than I’m used to this winter, the fishing still remains pretty rock solid. With some of the best weeks of the winter/early spring […]
Ed McCoy and I (Jon Ray) will be tying some signature trout and steelhead patterns on Jan 28th at Schmohz Brewery , contact Brian at Nomad Anglers . To sign up for the seminar call the Grand Rapids location (616) 805-4393. This is a first come first serve and space is limited. Looking forward to the good night […]
New series of fly lines has just come out from SA, have not personally played with one yet, as the first set of lines are trout and saltwater. But looking forward in the coming months to play with the trout line, as the Sharkwave Ultimate Trout Stealth will be a first choice. Also looking forward […]
I’m very lucky to do what I do. Wanted to share this clip and how important it is to Breathe! Breathe is available as a digital download for $5! Go here: http://tributariesfilm.com/breathe See my newest film project here: http://tributariesfilm.com/ A people film about fly-fishing and work. What do you do when the current of work […]
Headed to Chicago today (1/14/2014) for a Trout Talk, if your in the Chicago area stop by. Ed McCoy and I are going to be talking about Trout Fishing. Showing off a couple new patterns and tactics for midwest trout fishing. http://www.edtu.org/?q=node/647 – for more information time and location.