Spicy Crab and Smallmouth equals good fun

Sunny Day, high pressure (from anglers and mother nature) try the spicy crab.  Featured pattern in the Big Appetite Smallmouth DVD.  The next 4 months are prime smallmouth time.  Crabs other wise none as crayfish are not the big fly, sexy to tie patterns you read about they flat out catch fish. Plenty of open smallmouth dates open starting in July, once I get through the Hex cycle. Give me a call or shoot me an email.  July – September great months to chase the bronze back before muskie and steelhead seasons.

Air Time, Mr. Smallmouth – Picture of the Day

Mr. Smallmouth getting a little air time.  Trying to continue to work on my skills of timing, smallmouth are much easier than steelhead.


3 – Tand Fly Reel – Very Impressed



So if you know me you might find this post kind of funny.  But yes I was impressed by a fly reel here most recently.  While a lot of my teaching on how to go about fighting and handling fish here in Michigan does not require the reel.  I believe in stripping the fly line in and landing them.

But with my new arsenal of Scott Radian rods, I was finding out my old school reels where just too heavy and my balance was off.  As fly rods continue to get lighter and lighter my “coffee cans” needed an upgrade.  Now to my dilemma, with smallmouth bass season here my 907 Radian needed to be outfitted with my favorite bass line 7wt Titan Taper, but as you all know smallmouth do not require the reel for drag.  Strip them bronze back beauty’s in.  So I did not want to spend a lot of money, for a line holder.  Not going to be using a drag.  But balance is key, smallmouth require that you cast.  Longer casts on wider rivers, and banging shoreline on our reservoirs.  Don’t want a heavy setup for a long day of casting.

So my good friend and fellow endangered species hunter Russ Maddin, told me about a new company 3-tand reels.  He had just bought a few for his Scott Radians.  Well after picking up a TF 70 from TNA (The Northern Angler) for $209.  I am floored by the value that one gets with this reel.

The TF 70 is perfect for trout and smallmouth fishing.  There are a couple things that I look for in a reel.  1) How does it balance on the rod, 3-tands TF-70 is super light, well ported but still seems durable.  2) How does it spin, what do I mean by this.  Can I pick up line quickly by spinning the spool.  The answer is yes here, the reel is balanced almost like a center pin reel.  Spins like a champ.  3) Sounds funny but is it sexy.  Do I like how it looks.  While I see reels as men’s jewelry, I want my stuff to be looking good.  Answer again is yes.  4) If and when I need drag what am I working with? 3-tands and there TF-70 model?  Well the Patent Pending sealed NanoCF Drag system to begin with, what does that mean?  Smooth and Sealed basically and secondly for the money more drag than you will ever get anywhere else.

If you need a new reel check out 3-tand and contact Brian at the TNA he has them in stock.  Great reel and OMG great value.

Aerial Photo from the Drone

A quick photo from some footage we shot with the Phantom .  Clackacraft boat in tow, ready to go to work.  Photo shot by Erik

Warp Speed – Pic of the Day

Erik Rambo shot this picture of me rowing down the upper manistee.  Very cool effect Erik thanks for sharing.


Great Speckled Olive caught in a Web

Siphloplecton basale Spinner other wise known for me as the Great Speckled Olive caught in a spiders web.  When you see this guy you know Sulhur’s are on the menu in a day or two.  Hatches are moving forward and temps are really improving.  Couple prime open dates in the first part of June.  June 6,7,9  shoot me an email or a text message if your interested.


Midnight Creeper Comment

Here is a comment from a happy customer regarding the Midnight Creeper.

Downloaded the Midnight Creeper video, amazed myself that I could do it given my Luddite acumen with computers. In looking at the fly’s action in the water wonderfully illustrated from a below the water shot I figured there was no way an average fly tier like myself could possibly tie it. The rabbit strip legs move like a real frogs and the foam cap would be way too complex for me to cut out. However, in a very well filmed illustration it is really a fly that anyone with basic tying skills can readily do. Ed’s clear and stepwise tying prompted by Jon Ray’s questions, that often were the very ones I was thinking of, makes this a great video to watch if you want a killer fly for night time fishing. The one thing that can drive you a bit crazy is Ed wraps backwards around the hook. I tried tying the Midnight Creeper but on a large streamer hook because I don’t have a bass hook yet and got a great result if its action in my bathtub is any test. As I don’t have that neat cutter to use on the foam I free hand cut it out and got a passable result. Now if I can just get a chance to use it! – Doc

Fun Day – Men Vs Boat (over a tree)

Pic of the Day – Loving the Blues

Cool blues on the cheek of this dry fly eating Michigan Brown Trout.  Put down the streamer rods and broke out the Scott G2 once again to capture this resectable 16″+ Hendrickson sipper.  Also every day more and more impressed with the SA GPX Sharkwave taper.  Day in and day out putting it in new clients hand this line is amazing.


Pic of the Day – San Juan Worm

Had to get down and dirty on the Upper Manistee, with a slower than normal couple days of trout fishing.  Had to bust out all the tricks.  Have honestly not thrown the worm, the san juan worm, since my Colorado days some 15 years ago.  Used to fish the worm on the Upper Colorado River on my days off.

Bobber Down!

 Getting down and dirty with a worm imitation on the upper manistee.