Never stood on the Manistee before
So I have to admit I probably could of gone farther out into the river, but I was a scaredy cat. I am pictured below at the boat ramp of rainbow bend standing out pasted the end of the ramp in about 4-5 foot of water. That was enough for me. To say the least the lower end of the Manistee River has some shelf ice.
Working on Something New
Getting closer to releasing something new that Erik and I are really excited about. First trailer is coming in the next 10-14 days. Also have new logo for this series, just a quick teaser below. Getting hard to not share more details. But the last couple weeks editing, email with musicians and fancy logo designers has gotten to the boiling point and had to post something. Check back here shortly for the first trailer.
Manistee River Winter Steelhead – Picture of the Day
Had the opportunity yesterday (Sunday, January 19th) to take Ben and John out for a little half day steelhead trip. While getting out on the river has been a little more difficult than I’m used to this winter, the fishing still remains pretty rock solid. With some of the best weeks of the winter/early spring season just ahead of us. Have always been a fan of the February. Days growing longer and no spring crowds.
Nomad Anglers and Schmohz Beer
Ed McCoy and I (Jon Ray) will be tying some signature trout and steelhead patterns on Jan 28th at Schmohz Brewery , contact Brian at Nomad Anglers . To sign up for the seminar call the Grand Rapids location (616) 805-4393. This is a first come first serve and space is limited. Looking forward to the good night of tying and some new beer.
EDTU Trout Talk
Headed to Chicago today (1/14/2014) for a Trout Talk, if your in the Chicago area stop by. Ed McCoy and I are going to be talking about Trout Fishing. Showing off a couple new patterns and tactics for midwest trout fishing. – for more information time and location.
Bald Eagle
Looking back through pictures for end of the year reports that I have to hand in, for the USFS. I use photo’s to remind me of days spent on the water. This Bald Eagle let me take about 50-60 photo’s of him/her as he/she flew from tree to tree. Not too bad for a 200mm lens, so many days that I want a 500 or 600 prime. It’s nice too keep on dreaming, and saving the pennies for a $10,000 lens.
I’m sure over the next could days more random photo’s will appear as single digit temps will keep me inside. Will have some video’s coming soon, waiting on music and final authorizations.
Happy Holidays – Merry Christmas
From all of us at Mangled Fly and Snap T. We want to wish you a Happy Holiday. Merry Christmas and a thank you for checking-out our photo/video creations in 2013. We look forward to some very exciting things in 2014. Thank you again.
From Erik Rambo, Jon Ingham, and Jon Ray we wish everybody a Happy Holiday!!
Great Lakes Catch and Release – Picture of the Day
Enjoying a personal day on the river, trying to find some different angles to capture the release of a great fish, the Great Lakes Rainbow.
Great Lakes Steelhead Sticker available for a holiday stocking stuffer.