8 Questions and Answers with the DNR

Check out the questions and answers that the DNR gives about the 75% decrease in Salmon.



If you have read this post already sorry for the repost, lost a few post to a bad back-up system.  Thank you for your continued patience

Underwater Bucket Mouth – Picture of the Day

Large mouth bass caught on the Big Manistee

Spot the Real McCoy – Picture of the Day

Been playing with Gray Drakes on a couple different rivers, and by far the best pattern I’ve found is the Real McCoy Gray Drake Spinner, today’s picture is by Ann Miller.  Make sure to check out the video and tie up a few Gray Drake patterns.

gray drake

photo by Ann Miller

Pic of the Day – Loving the Blues

Cool blues on the cheek of this dry fly eating Michigan Brown Trout.  Put down the streamer rods and broke out the Scott G2 once again to capture this resectable 16″+ Hendrickson sipper.  Also every day more and more impressed with the SA GPX Sharkwave taper.  Day in and day out putting it in new clients hand this line is amazing.


Pic of the Day – San Juan Worm

Had to get down and dirty on the Upper Manistee, with a slower than normal couple days of trout fishing.  Had to bust out all the tricks.  Have honestly not thrown the worm, the san juan worm, since my Colorado days some 15 years ago.  Used to fish the worm on the Upper Colorado River on my days off.

Bobber Down!

 Getting down and dirty with a worm imitation on the upper manistee.

Protect Michigan Waters

This week on the Big Manistee was surprised to find the USFS crew with a power washer at the High Bridge boat ramp, handing out information about AIS (Aquatic Invasive Species).  Through a cooperative effort of the USFS, Manistee County, and local watershed groups; they are providing education and suppression efforts for the AIS.  Suppression efforts include this specially designed heated power washer for decontaminating boats and trailers.

Stop AIS

USFS spraying down the “tiny dancer”

Here is the pamphlet that the USFS was handing out, have scanned it into a PDF.  (save_MI_water ) Please view it over if you are a boater.  With all the water here in MI, it is important to wash boats and trailers if you visit different waters.  Wanted to thank the USFS for there willingness to help stop the spread of AIS, and getting out on the Big Manistee.  Thank you!


Off to the races – chasing spring chrome

scott T3HChasing chrome in the spring with the Scott 1108 T3H.  Perfect switch rod for the spring, easy to switch out the sink tip for the bobber/indy rig on those high pressure sunny spring days.  Throw on the SA 420 Evolution  and your good to go.  Spring fish are on the move, and even though it’s been cold fishing has been good.

The LRB and Steelhead Double

Getting a double header is a pretty unique experience, but something in the fall we actually do see with waves of curious steelhead pushing up the river and grabbing the first piece of food they see.  I love curious steelhead!  So getting a double header steelhead combo I would say is not a hard combination to come by.  But the Lake-Run Brown steelhead combo I’ver personally only had the chance to see twice here in Michigan.  I’m sure in other parts of the country the combo is more common.  But for us currently with a declining LRB population the past 10 years the opportunities are very rare.  Well last week (in the spring season no less) my clients Blake and Steve put a LRB / Steelhead combo in the net.  It true was a surprise.

lake-run brown steelhead doubleThe only other time I’ve had a chance to catch this combo is a day I will never forget.  With good friends and great guides Kevin Feenstra and Jeff Hubbard.  We were fishing on Kevin’s b-day when Jeff and I put these two great fish in the net while fishing streamers on the Muskegon River.  Photo below courtesy of Kevin Feenstra.

Jon Ray

streamer double header