Spot the Real McCoy – Picture of the Day

Been playing with Gray Drakes on a couple different rivers, and by far the best pattern I’ve found is the Real McCoy Gray Drake Spinner, today’s picture is by Ann Miller.  Make sure to check out the video and tie up a few Gray Drake patterns.

gray drake

photo by Ann Miller

Pic of the Day – Loving the Blues

Cool blues on the cheek of this dry fly eating Michigan Brown Trout.  Put down the streamer rods and broke out the Scott G2 once again to capture this resectable 16″+ Hendrickson sipper.  Also every day more and more impressed with the SA GPX Sharkwave taper.  Day in and day out putting it in new clients hand this line is amazing.


Pic of the Day – San Juan Worm

Had to get down and dirty on the Upper Manistee, with a slower than normal couple days of trout fishing.  Had to bust out all the tricks.  Have honestly not thrown the worm, the san juan worm, since my Colorado days some 15 years ago.  Used to fish the worm on the Upper Colorado River on my days off.

Bobber Down!

 Getting down and dirty with a worm imitation on the upper manistee.

Picture of the Day – Jumping Brown Trout

jumping brown troutSometimes it is better to be lucky , had the camera at ready for some reason at the right time for this jumping brown trout.  Love the spraying water effect.  Feel free to click on the photo and you will go to my Smug Mug page as well, to see a larger size.

Mr. Brown Trout – Pic of the Day

brown trout in michigan

Bald Eagle

Looking back through pictures for end of the year reports that I have to hand in, for the USFS.  I use photo’s to remind me of days spent on the water.  This Bald Eagle let me take about 50-60 photo’s of him/her as he/she flew from tree to tree.  Not too bad for a 200mm lens, so many days that I want a 500 or 600 prime.  It’s nice too keep on dreaming, and saving the pennies for a $10,000 lens.

I’m sure over the next could days more random photo’s will appear as single digit temps will keep me inside.  Will have some video’s coming soon, waiting on music and final authorizations.

Bald eagle soaring along the Manistee River in Northern Michigan.

Great Lakes Catch and Release – Picture of the Day

Enjoying a personal day on the river, trying to find some different angles to capture the release of a great fish, the Great Lakes Rainbow.

Great Lakes Steelhead Sticker available for a holiday stocking stuffer.

Picture of the Day – Fresh Snow
