Tag Archive for: blue heron

Great Blue Heron

Two Great Blue Herons eating Pike

Had the opportunity to shoot two different Great Blue Herons enjoying a shore side lunch this week.  I have never seen this before a Heron eating a Pike, but in less that one week it happened on two separate occasions.

Great Blue Herons now have my attention to say the least with how they hunt and how effective they are.  They can really do a number on a fishery.  I thought they really only targeted smaller fish and smaller amphibians.  But that is not the case.

Great Blue Heron

Down the hatch it goes, another Pike meets his maker.

Great Blue Heron

Blue Heron trying to figure out how to slurp down a pike.

Mangled Fly Stickers

Fish “whats for dinner” – Pic of the Day

Captured this Great Blue Heron with a little bullhead snack. Trying to do my best Kevin Feenstra imitation. Kevin has always captured the best Blue Heron eating pictures.  While this is not to his standards I’ll take it, for my first try.

All you can eat bullheads today for Mr. Blue Heron. #getoutside #puremichigan #allucaneat

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Picture of the Day – Hunting with a Blue Heron

Heron hunting along the Manistee River in search of any food, as November doesn't have as much food running around as summer.  I'm sure this blue heron is starving.