SA Amplitude Smooth Infinity
SA Amplitude Smooth Infinity

Day Time Hex Eater
A new line was introduced in the past month the SA Amplitude Smooth Infinity and have had the pleasure to test it out over the last month. Line showed up during Hex Season, even though my go to line for Hex is the Glow Line , but I have a few days each year that allow daytime fishing of the Hex Hatch. Turning over big dry flies into tight quarters is a must and the New Smooth Infinity was up to the task.
Location, Location, Location
During the last thee weeks the line continues to bring it’s A game to Northern Michigan. With the foam bite (hoppers, ants, and beetles) mixed in with twitching (small streamers on a floating line) these two methods are a huge part of my summer program for trout. Having a line that can deliver dry flies to within inches of a log, but still has the energy to turn over a small weighted streamer with a tungsten cone head into a deep pool. Is a must for me, nice to have confidence that the SA Smooth Infinity can do both without missing a beat.
Local Fly Shop
If you have ever spent much time with me in the boat, and we talk equipment you know how I feel about fly lines, it is the most important part of your equipment! Make sure to stay on top of the latest technology and check them out at your local fly shop. Also if you see me on the water and want to take a test cast just ask.
Amplitude Smooth Infinity from Scientific Anglers on Vimeo.
There’s a reason we call this line the Infinity: there is no end to what you’ll be able to do with it. The Scientific Anglers Amplitude Smooth Infinity taper is a half-size heavy freshwater line built for everything from panfish to pike. With a long rear taper and extended front taper, it’s delicate for dry flies, has enough power for streamers, and can mend line for nymph rigs with equal ability. Built with the AST Plus slickness additive, Infinity lines are 50% slicker than any other SA line, and will last, on average, eight times longer than any line from the competition.