Had a chance to fish a new line yesterday. A float line Skagit with an Integrated Tip. SA developed this line to eliminate the loop between the Skagit and your sinking line. This Skagit line comes with a 12 foot section of T-12 seemlessly blended (no loops). In addition the running line is integrated as well, no more loops getting caught in the guides of the rod. This line is one of the finest casting lines in the Skagit format that I’ve had a chance to play with. But how does it fish?
While most of you know I love the Intermediate Skagit Extreme Head from SA. The Intermediate line truly changed the game on the Manistee River when it comes to swinging flies for steelhead. (and yes I have run the other companies lines, and no they don’t compare) So I was a little hesitant to change back to a floating line. But as I could quickly see, if you want to catch more fish you need to have the ability to adjust your flies speed and depth for each run’s current conditions. The SA Integrated line is perfect for those slower pools, the same pools that winter steelhead love to sit in. The floating section of the line allows your fly to swing through the pool, the integrated sink-tip is a smooth transition giving your fly more life as it swings through the pool. As I mentioned before this line is a casters dream. With no hinges and no loops, the line just bombes out there.
As is true with any other type of fishing, there is no perfect lure for every situation. And for a fly angler there is no one line (let’s just talk spey here) that is perfect for every run that you can possible fish in a days time. Now I know that you just can’t go buy multiple set up’s, but if the budget allows for a new line, this SA Integrated Line is another step forward in better spey lines by SA, and this line is fishy to say the least. As winter clogs along, steelhead move into slower pools the floating line with the Integrated tip is the line for me. Still my favorite is the Intermediate Extreme, but having the ability to change as conditions call for it is nice. If you want to cast this line before you buy it, just let me know. I’ll be carrying it in my boat the rest of this steelhead season.

Phil C. with a winter buck caught on the Skagit Extreme w/ Integrated Tip