Building an Army

aligator gar

Southern States are building an Army to help battle Asian Carp – read more here.

Man vs Bugs

So guiding here in Northern Michigan we have our share of bugs.  Especially bugs that like to bite.  But this short video showing some of the bugs (especially the ones that bite), the boys encountered on their South America journey.  I’m not sure I’m Man enough to handle.

Not a Fly-Fishing Video

This isn’t a fly fishing video but has some great lessons about life and shares some of my simple beliefs about fishing.  Plus shows off one of my favorite fish.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

mangled fly shorts

Coming Soon – New Mangled Fly Clothing

Have a few new items coming out this week that will be added to the Mangled Fly Shop page.

  • Our Classic Black hat with the Mangled Fly Logo will be back in stock, this popular hat is coming back, if you didn’t get yours mangled fly black haton the first run, grab it now before it’s gone.





  • A brand New Item to the Shop area will be the Mangled Fly Camo Board Shorts.  These shorts are meant to fish in, meant to get dirty, and even meant to swim in.  More like a board short, will dry quick and will not be too hot in the sun.  I had a chance to test these out before we put the Mangled Fly logo on them.  Very comfortable and a great short for summer time fun.  Black Camo Board ShortsWe will only have limited quantity and sizes available so get them while you can.  Hope to post inventory this week.  If they sell out before you can get a pair drop me an email and I’ll see if we have additional interest to get more in stock.




  • A popular item in the past has been our long sleeve sun shirts, Tidal and Orginal Long Sleeve (both now on Sale).  This year we added a twist of Camo to the look.  The picture below is not the finalized logo, we have added a little green and black to the Classic Mangled Fly Logo. I will make sure to post the updated picture of the shirt when they arrive this week.  I’m looking forward to this shrit for the late summer and early fall.  This is a staple of my clothing attire.  I wear them fishing, to the gym, and around the house.  Very comfortable and has UV protection against the sun.  Again we did a limited run in sizes and quantity so get it while you can.  But also another item if we don’t have your size, please don’t hesitate to let us know. long sleeve camo shirt
anchored podcast

April Volley Anchored Podcast – Kevin Feenstra

anchored podcast

Make sure to check out Kevin Feenstra on April Vokey’s Podcast – Anchored.  Kevin Feenstra who is a great friend, an incredible guide on the Muskegon River, and a Mangled Fly Contributor.  Was Interview by April Vokey at his home in November.  April and Kevin discuss Midwest Steelhead, you will enjoy this episode click this link to go to iTunes – or go to April Website and find the episode as well.