Mangled Fly Sale

Not everything but most everything is on Sale right now. We are clearing out the inventory to make room for new stuff coming soon. Fingers crossed before Christmas for some new items so make sure to come back and check out the new swag. But in the mean time get some great deals on the older models. Any questions let us know via the contact page or reach out to us on Messenger via Facebook or drop us a DM in Instagram.

Thanks again for checking out the site.

DRI Duck Swing Hat

Pic of the Day – Swing Hat and Kings

Joe Custer with his lucky Mangled Fly Swing Hat ( will be restocking this item soon!) sent in this pic from a recent trip to BC staying at the  Dean lodge at BCWest with Deneki Outdoors.

If this trip interests you contact Kara Knight is lodge manager.

Shane McKay is head guide and in the picture with Joe.
Nice work Joe!

Spring Clearance Sale

Have limited sizes left on two of our popular Long Sleeve Performance shirts.  The remaining sizes are now 50% off .  Check out the Shop Page 


Brown Trout Sun Shirt

long sleeve camo shirt

Mangled Fly Sticker

New Swing Fly Sticker

Mangled Fly Sticker

Have a new sticker, from our popular Swing Fly logo from last fall had a few requests for a sticker.  Now you can add the Mangled Fly Swing logo to your favorite cooler, truck window, or coffee mug.  Same great quality as the rest of our stickers.  Check it out and get yours today.

Sticker is approximately 7″x4″

Digital Camo Hat

Camo Hat still working

A couple impressive fish from a few Mangled Fly customers.  First is Bob H. who was fishing with world famous Muskie Guide Blane Chocklett and scores a dandy muskie on the fly.  Nice work Bob!  Bob wearing one of the old school Digital Camo Hats with the old hook logo.  Great to see the hat is doing you well!

Digital Camo Hat

Kean also sent in this impressive trout pic from his latest journey to Chile.  Kean who has always been a believer in the power of the Digital Camo Hat scores another impressive trout while wearing his lucky charm.  Great fish Kean!  Fish was caught on a circus peanut we tied for Kean, with a special blend of southern hemisphere colors.

circus peanut

DRI Duck Swing Hat

New Dri Duck Swing Hat

DRI Duck Swing Hat

Have add another hat to the arsenal , wanted a wax cotton type hat for the cool wet fall days of fall.  After wearing this hat for a few days during 2 of the wettest days of the fall .  The new Dri Duck Mangled Fly Hat is a keeper.  This hat dries really fast, and keeps you fairly dry during the wettest of days.  As the new Mangled Fly Swing Fly Logo on the front.

  • 60% cotton/ 36% Polyester/ 4% Polyurethane
  • Coated textured cotton construction with vintage wash
  • Unstructured
  • Low-profile
  • Moisture wicking sweatband
  • Velcro Clousure
Swing Fly Trucker Hat

Swing Fly Trucker Hat

Swing Fly Trucker Hat

Swing Fly Trucker Hat

New Mangled Fly Swing Trucker Hat , currently on “pre-buy” status but expecting this hat next week (October 13th), just in time for Steelhead Season.  Also working on a Wax Cotton edition that IO’m excited about, that I’ll be posting soon.  Get one of these hats while they last.  Same Trucker hat as the popular (1 left in Black, 4 left in Red) Dry Fly Trucker Hat we released this summer.

Thank you for your continued support and hoping this hat has the good luck charms of some of our other hats.  For all those that are superstitious as I am about “good luck” hats.  I’ve been liking the looks of this hat, and with some of the reports about steelhead (all good reports) can’t wait for this fall.

Jon Ray

Red Mangled Fly Hat

Red Hat Deal

Have a mistake at the printer that will be a deal for you, one of a kind red/white trucker hat for $5.  Have 18 of these hats in stock first come first serve.  Same type of hat as our popular Dry Fly Hat we did in Grey/Black earlier this summer.

Red Mangled Fly Hat

brown trout picture

Few Different Pics

First need to apologize for the lack on content, nothing but excuses but hope to find some time and create some interesting content in the coming weeks.  Here are a few images to help scratch the itch.

Kean hunting his first Pike on the fly, it was pretty exciting to watch this predator hunt down our dying bait fish pattern.  Using the Scientific Anglers Intermediate Titan Taper with a Essox Leader we had a few chances at Pike and caught multiple nice smallmouth bass on the Manistee River this past weekend.

pike on the fly

Jerome joined me for a day time adventure and scored some really nice trout on dry flies, Jerome has to believe in the good luck his new Mangled Fly hat provided him.  Great day Jerome and impressive trout on the dry fly during the day.

brown trout picture

Had a chance to spend a few days along the west coast on a family vacation and shot this sunset picture. Always impressed by the size of Lake Michigan and how much it reminds me of the east coast.  Just missing a little bit of salt.

Sunset closing out an amazing family vacation #puremichigan #sunset #familytime

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Brown Trout Sun Shirt

New Long Sleeve Coming Soon

Brown Trout Sun Shirt


Next week a New long sleeve Sun shirt will be hitting the store.  Thank you Kean Oh for letting us use one of your amazing drawings.  A beautiful Michigan Brown Trout on the back, in stunning 8 color design, with the Dry Fly Mangled Fly Logo on the front. Same Logo as our Dry Fly Hat that came out last week. This long sleeve shirt will be printed on one of the nicest Sun Shirts that I’ve ever worn.  The Long Sleeve Sun Shirt has been a staple of my day to day wardrobe since they first started coming out.  This particular one is made my Hanes and is the most comfortable one to date.  I’ll post another blog when they arrive but wanted to share the image. Limited addition so get them while they last.

Brown Trout Sun Shirt