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Scuds are tiny crustaceans, close relatives of crayfish and shrimp. As you can see they look most like shrimp. Found this scud along the Manistee River
Had the chance to guide the past couple days for spring steelhead. Felt so good to get back on the water and do what I love to do. Also I will not lie yesterday’s sun felt so so good. Bill pictured below with a very nice Michigan spring lake-run rainbow.
The video is 16 min long, but the Mr. Brown trout they catch at the 15min mark is worth the wait. Trout season is getting so close here in Michigan, hardest part is going to be getting creative around the boat launches with all our snow pack. Until then a little Oregon trout fishing video.
If you have heard me talk about smallmouth over the past couple years, then you know all about the crabbing technique we use to catch smallmouth bass when they become “neutral” in their feeding behavior. Well during the early spring we will often see similar trends with our steelhead and trout regarding their foraging behavior. […]
So I have to admit I probably could of gone farther out into the river, but I was a scaredy cat. I am pictured below at the boat ramp of rainbow bend standing out pasted the end of the ramp in about 4-5 foot of water. That was enough for me. To say the least […]
DamNation – Official Film Trailer from Patagonia on Vimeo. For more information, check out This powerful film odyssey across America explores the sea change in our national attitude from pride in big dams as engineering wonders to the growing awareness that our own future is bound to the life and health of our […]
Since the beginning of the new year, northern Michigan has gained 77 minutes of total daylight. The sun is rising 28 minutes earlier since Jan 1st while setting 49 minutes later. The sun’s trek across the sky today is similar to its path on Nov 2nd.
Spatsizi *trailer* by Todd Moen from Todd Moen Creative on Vimeo.