Entries by Jon Ray

Product Review – ARC Eyeglass Retainer

ARC Outdoor Gear has made a sunglass retainer that can stand up to the abuse of even my standards. GRAPLRZ Retainers are made of stainless steel cable, industrial grade silicone and anodized aluminum. Stylish, durable, comfortable, and with a lifetime warranty. After wearing out similar products by another company , I trashed two sunglass retainers this […]

13 mins of WOW

Alaska Nutrient Cycle Closing the loop in nature – this video highlights the chum salmon, from salt to spawn to how they become one of the most important food and nutrient sources for nearly every living organism in and around these waters. Absolutely terrific video. Alaska The Nutrient Cycle from Paul Klaver on Vimeo.

Mangled Fly Media Cards

Do you want Holiday gift cards with your favorite Mangled Fly Media picture on the front?  With SmugMug and any Mangled Fly Media it’s very easy.  Feel free to contact me direct and I’ll help set it up.  Happy Holidays. jray@mangledfly.com 

Patagonia New Short Film

Film is about 27 minutes long, this email below I received from Patagonia and thought I would share. Worn Wear is an exploration of quality – in the things we own and the lives we live. This short film takes you to an off-the-grid surf camp in Baja, Mexico; a family’s maple syrup harvest in Contoocook, […]

Upper Teens Rainbow

Another upper teens Lake-Run Rainbow (low sodium) scored on the Big River.  Jay Turner holding a 15 – 16 pound brute.  Great fish Jay.  Nice job.  This winter when they fish turn into double strippers, maybe triple strips????  I can’t wait to photograph them then.

Rolling and Twisting – Picture of the Day

As water temps drop the alligator roll is a much more common trait than the leaping, jumping, cartwheeling, acrobatic routine that we are used too.  But the acceleration as the fall steelhead do less in the air and more near the surface of the water and still give you some amazing shots.  The power as […]