Entries by Jon Ray

Thank you Iyso – Pictures of the Day

Isonychia duns emerge late afternoon into late evening.  Wings are slate-gray in color, but the true give away for identification is the middle and hind legs are stark white, while the forelegs are dark in color.  But often the forelegs are raised in position when the insect rests.  This Isonychia gave me a couple minutes […]

Finally! Just Ordered mine!

Just received a very cool email and had to share that Go Pro has launched a dive kit for there Go Pro line of camera’s.  Ever have your underwater images or video not turn out just right.  Was your image a little fuzzy?  Well here is the answer!  Here is a link GoPro.com – just look […]

Bugs in a Tub

Okay if you have fished with me, you understand that one of my strengths is not Latin terminology for aquatic insects.  I have a very simple approach to aquatic life.  Match the color and size.  But sometimes knowing a little bit more than they other guy, can give you an advantage.  Below is a video […]