Entries by Jon Ray

Citrus Month – Sulphurs and Orioles

Seems like the month of May has a Citrus Flavor to it.  Orange is the theme with Baltimore Orioles and Sulphurs filling the rivers banks and shores.  Baltimore Orioles have made there migratory return and you can hear there calls along most of our northern michigan rivers.  Their tear drop shaped nests are not hard […]

Sulphur’s and Brown Trout

You almost have to feel sorry for the bright yellow red eyed size 16 Sulphur Dun, they are almost like bright neon signs on top of the water. That Michigan browns can’t help it and pick them off one by one as they float along.  May dry fly fishing is picking up and the Sulphur […]

Stoneflies and Michigan Trout

Stoneflies make easy meals for Michigan brown trout One of the bugs that I’m falling more and more in love with for Michigan trout is the stone-fly.  With so many species of stone-flies in Michigan rivers, trout are very accustom to seeing and feeding on stones.  While michigan does not get the notoriety of having […]

Love how they Eat the Fly!

Is there a more aggressive fish than a pike?  I’m not sure, but this photo is why I named my website Mangled Fly.  I love it when a fish destroys a fly that took me 15 minutes to tie!  Ice out pike fishing is game on right now, if you want to try something different […]

Spring Time Fishing, Trout, Pike, and Steelhead

Spring Time Brings so many different Fly-Fishing Opportunities! Brad W. early season brown trout fishing After spending the past 3 plus months under mounds of snow and inches of ice, spring time has officially started!  Now some of the hardest decisions await the fly-fishing angler.  What to fish for?  Spring time brings us many different […]

Michigan Bald Eagles

 Fishing today on the Manistee River was highlighted by one of my favorite birds the Bald Eagle.  We had the opportunity to witness a handful of different eagles fly around, over, and perch next to us as we floated down the Manistee River.  While winter steelhead fishing is most likely the most overlooked time of […]

HD Pro Underwater Camera

Have some things on the radar that I’m pretty excited about, don’t want to spoil the surprise but deals with the world of underwater.  I shot this little underwater video above, about a month ago, that honestly took about 5 seconds to do. I came home from this little test shoot and started to think […]

Not a fan of Flash

For the most part working outside during the day I can use natural light. I am not a fan of flash photography. But there comes a time and a place for flash. Flash can be a creative tool. Example of this are two pictures from above, both taken about 10 seconds apart. Dave S. joined […]

Always Interesting on the Manistee River

What is always interesting about fishing, is for the most part you never know what your going to catch. I try my best to keep everybody on their toes when we are our there casting. As you never know what cast will result in a fish of a lifetime or just something different. Well yesterday […]