Got one! King Salmon on a Streamer

Went hunting this morning with my Scott S4s  9010/2, Wet Cell Tip 350 Grain from SA, and a well tied Russ Maddin Flash Deceiver.  And Scored.  Fished this morning with Russ Maddin and Alex Lafkas, thanks for all the laughs boyz.  Check out Alex’s webpage for additional fishing information and reports.

Have to be honest was happy to hook this guy, and not one of the 30+ pounders I have been hearing about.  Heard of a 39 pound King landed yesterday in Charleviox, Mi.

Jon Ray with King Salmon

Little more taste

Here is a pic from Erik that gives you a little more taste of what we are working on, as I tried to talk about in a earlier  post.  Great picture from Erik Rambo enjoy.

brown trout with mice

New Trailer: Waypoints

Coming in November


Someone stole my idea

I’m proud of this camera crew, even though they stole my idea, but actually I was scared to do it.  Have been laughing with Russ Maddin the last couple weeks about strapping the GoPro to the Chinook that just enetered the river, but our financial backing has not come in yet.  And losing a $400 GoPro would not go over well with the boss.


Pic of the Day – Day off

Ed McCoy just sent me this picture of himself on River X on a well deserved day off.  Ed is sporting the Mangled Fly Media Hoodie, as summer turns into fall this hoodie is one of best I’ve ever worn.  Made my Champion.  It will keep you warm, and the hood fits just right on those really cool nights or mornings. Thanks for sharing the pic Ed, enjoy your time and tear up them bass.

Mangled Fly Sweatshirt

Moon and Mouse

Have some exciting things in the works with Snap T Pictures again.  As Erik Rambo and I contiunue to combine forces on projects.  We have been bouncing around in the dark, and are excited about the latest project that should be done this fall after all the editing.  Stay tuned to see what night vision camera’s saw in the dark.


The hunt for browns in the dark leads to seeing the moon rise above the sky line.

Back on line

Sorry for the delay in postings. Had a little IT trouble, but promise to make up for lost time with more images and more videos. Thank you for your patience.