Entries by Ed McCoy

Fishing the Moon Phases

Can Moon Phases Influence your Angling Opportunity? Moon Phases are known to influence both fish and wildlife populations.  The major effects experienced during the new and full moon phases primarily occur through changes to ambient light and gravitational forces.  A full moon will produce more ambient light and stronger gravitational forces creating stronger tides.  These […]

Conditions Matter

Conditions Matter Every spring we enter a transitional period between our annual spring steelhead run and our peak dry fly fishing for trout. In some years this period can be long and drawn out while others transition rapidly. This period is often overlooked and regarded as “hard fishing” as weather conditions can change rapidly and […]

Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey The Chestnut Lamprey, Ichthyomyzon castaneus, is a Native Species commonly found in Lakes and Rivers throughout the Great Lakes. They are considered to be an indicator species, their presence indicates healthy clean water. However, there is one negative component to their presence in a watershed and that is their potential impact upon fish […]

Upper Manistee River Tree Drop Update

Yellow Trees I recently had the opportunity to float below Yellow Trees and take a look at what impacts the tree drop had within that section. In September of 2022 Michigan Trout Unlimited helicoptered in almost 200 whole trees and placed them strategically throughout the river between Yellow Trees and Rogers Landing access sites. This […]

Invasive Species

INVASIVE SPECIES AND THEIR IMPACT UPON AQUATIC HABITATS There are numerous threats to our aquatic ecosystems that will have lasting impacts upon our Great Lakes fisheries.  Water pollution/sedimentation, habitat loss/degradation, connectivity, and the list of examples goes on and on.  Invasive Species introductions is a topic that usually doesn’t get immediate attention until it’s too […]

NRC Proposal for New Steelhead Limits Part 2

Current Status of Fisheries Order 200.22 The Natural Resource Commission convened the November 10th meeting by tabling the New Steelhead Limits for further discussion (Steelhead Proposal). Fisheries Order 200.22 will be back on the table and up for a vote at the December 9th meeting. There are a couple of probable outcomes for the Commissioner […]