Entries by Jon Ray

Goshawk Video

If you follow the site you know I enjoy taking pictures of birds of prey, this Goshawk video is amazing.  Imagine this bird chasing it’s prey down through the woods, thank goodness this bird has not grown any larger to chase down humans.  

May Dry Fly Video

Worked with Chuck Hawkins yesterday and taped a couple video’s that we just posted on our Hawkins Youtube channel.  Did work separating audio from video and inserting photo’s inside the video to display detail.  Working with audio is not an easy as it sounds, but enjoy the video and hope it helps bring to light […]

So close I can taste it.

With a look ahead I see temps that are going to provide some of the first dry fly fishing of the season, and I can’t wait!  A little video that brings back flash backs to last season’s memories.  Can’t wait to burn new memories into film and mind.   The Rise from Vak Magasin on […]

Really cool Editing

As I continue to learn how to be better at photography, videography, and editing.  Best way to learn is practice, but second best way is to watch the pro’s.  There are some shots in this video that I have not seen before, pretty cool stuff here.  Thought I would share.   Bryan Gregson Photography | […]

A Tight Loop Spring Edition – Carp Article

John Stefanciw (chewy) and I did a Grand Traverse Bay carp article for A Tight Loop, you can check it out on page 12 of the latest edition of this midwestern online magazine.  Late May and early June are prime time for these brutes on a fly.  100% visual experience.  More coming soon about carp […]

Fly Fishing Inland Ocean

If you love taking your fly rod to different places and chasing anything that swims, this book is going to help you update your “to do” list.  Jerry Darkes has just published a new book about all the great lakes and how to target anything that swims within these bodies of water.  From Salmon to […]