Really cool Editing

As I continue to learn how to be better at photography, videography, and editing.  Best way to learn is practice, but second best way is to watch the pro’s.  There are some shots in this video that I have not seen before, pretty cool stuff here.  Thought I would share.


Bryan Gregson Photography | 2013 Las Pampas, Argentina from Bryan Gregson Photography on Vimeo.

A Tight Loop Spring Edition – Carp Article

John Stefanciw (chewy) and I did a Grand Traverse Bay carp article for A Tight Loop, you can check it out on page 12 of the latest edition of this midwestern online magazine.  Late May and early June are prime time for these brutes on a fly.  100% visual experience.  More coming soon about carp on a fly, working on a fly tying video and soon will be posting an article on the Hawkins Fly Fishing site.

traverse city carp

Fly Fishing Inland Ocean

If you love taking your fly rod to different places and chasing anything that swims, this book is going to help you update your “to do” list.  Jerry Darkes has just published a new book about all the great lakes and how to target anything that swims within these bodies of water.  From Salmon to smallmouth to carp.  So many ports, beaches, breakwaters, and river mouths to try, that an angler couldn’t do them all in a couple years.  But this untapped frontier needed a book like this, pick it up from your local fly shop or follow the link to amazon here.  The book will cover how to, when to, fly patterns, and so much more.

Also a bounce you might know the guy on the cover.  Will also be an assortment of Mangled Fly Media images within the pages as well.  Great job Jerry!

fly fishing the great lakes

Trout season has started

IMG_6752A great way to start the trout season with a true yellow belly.  Jon B scores a great michigan trout, while streamer fishing on the Upper Manistee.  All indications point to a great trout season ahead of us.


New lens needed! Golden Eagle

I have taken the first photograph  of a golden eagle, while the photo itself is not that good.  Based on the height of the bird in the sky, my 200 mm lens this is the best I can do.  Time to save money for a 600mm.  Going to take some time to save for that one.  But to prove I have seen a Golden Eagle here is my proof of life photo.

golden eagle

Moldy Chum and T3H

One of my most favorite fishing blogs is Moldy Chum, and my favorite two-handed rod  the Scott T3H (1288 to be exact) can now be found in one spot.  Moldy Chum posted the video (thank you) that we worked long and hard on this fall/winter on there site today.  Here is the link  If you have not watched it yet, enjoy.

Manistee River Fish Wheel

Click the .pdf for more information about a new way to treat lamprey on the Big Manistee, have to be honest never seen anything like this before.

Manistee River Fishwheel Flyer

Northern Shrike

IMG_6489This little guy, about the size of a blue jay is pretty amazing.  Northern Shrikes usually site quietly, often in the top of a tree, before they swoop down after insects, mice, and small song birds.  Impaling it’s prey on a thorn or wedging it in a forked twig.

This is the first one I’ve had a chance to photograph.  Usually they sit so far away.


Mis Fit Heads and future Muskie Flies

With a fresh 13″ of snow that fell have a couple days off to hit the vise pretty hard.  Have a new product I’ve been wanting to play with.  They are called Mis Fit Heads you can find them here at the Lund Fly Shop.  I think one of the hardest parts of finishing big flies, is making your heads look nice and sexy.  Also epoxy products can weigh down your patterns, so I’m excited to see how these new flies swim in open water once we thaw out.


Muskie Mis Fit Pattern


Scott fly rods

Scott T3H Video

Had a great time working with Erik Rambo on this little project.  Great job Erik you do amazing things with the camera and at the editing desk.  Thank you Erik for all your hard work.

Thank you Brad Petzke and Kevin Feenstra for helping in this project as well.  And thank you Scott rods for making such a good product.  If you like the two-hand rods, you owe it to yourself to pick up one of the new T3H’s, they are sweet.

Swinging with the Scott T3H from Mangled Fly Media on Vimeo.